Parents & Family

Parents & Family Resources


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NEDA Parents Toolkit

NEDA Parents, Family & Friends Network


The Academy for Eating Disorders is a global professional association committed to leadership in eating disorders research, education, treatment, and prevention.


Anorexia, and other eating disorders, are greatly misunderstood. This is partially due to the fact that nobody likes to talk about them. There is still a lot of shame involved in mental disorders and that, honestly, is a shame. It makes you feel so alone.

Recovery Dad & Recovery Girl are just a dad and a daughter who made it through this. We realized that there are a lot of counterintuitive things about eating disorders that we wish we had known back when we first got the diagnosis. And we don’t think there’s anything shameful about having an ED. If you’re anorexic it doesn’t mean you’re broken, and it doesn’t mean you did something wrong. It’s something that happened to you, like a broken arm.

When we looked around we didn’t see a single podcast dedicated to the many families out there struggling with eating disorders, so we created one.

We’re going to try, with the Recovery Dad and Recovery Girl podcast, and with this web site, to help families dealing with an ED to not feel shame and, most importantly, not feel alone. We hope you’ll join us and together we’ll fight eating disorders one bite at a time!


Abigail Natenshon, MA LCSW, GCFP is a psychotherapist who has specialized in the treatment of eating disorders with individuals and families for the past 41 years. View her list of patient resources.


National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. A non-profit dedicated to the prevention and alleviation of eating disorders since 1976.

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Andrea’s Voice Foundation (AVF) is dedicated to promoting education and understanding toward the prevention, identification, diagnosis and treatment of disordered eating and related issues.


Founded in 2008, the Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA) is a national organization focused on providing leadership, recognition, prevention, and treatment of BED and associated weight stigma.

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A resource dedicated to providing information and treatment options to men and women suffering from anorexia, bulimia, and other types of eating disorders.


Join us for this historic march on Capitol Hill. We UNITE our voices and deliver a powerful message TOGETHER. We include and will honor those who have suffered and recovered, those who still suffer, and those we have lost.


The Council on Size & Weight Discrimination is a not-for-profit group which works to change people’s attitudes about weight. We act as consumer advocates for larger people, especially in the areas of medical treatment, job discrimination, and media images.


The Eating Disorders Coalition is the advocacy organization for eating disorders. We advance the recognition of eating disorders as a public health priority at the federal and state level.


The National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) is a Canadian non-profit providing resources on eating disorders & weight preoccupation.

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The online eating disorder landscape is complex and diverse, filled with voices of all genders, ages and cultural backgrounds. This compilation of the best eating disorder blogs for 2015 reflects the great diversity among eating disorder bloggers. Below is a series of real-life accounts, practical advice and sound wisdom.


Presenting the Healthy Body Building Blocks POSTERS! Teaching Kids to CARE FOR and TAKE CARE OF Their Bodies.
Print these FREE, brightly colored posters and post wherever you want to challenge the toxic myths promoting weight bias and stigma. Useful as conversation starters to root out harmful assumptions and to promote health-enhancing behaviors instead of size in children and teens.